

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Forest technologies Trainings

Master of agroforestry teaching the subject of the environment and sustainable management of land, enriching manner in insignificance on land that is not fertile to make agroforestry teaching certificate level class if you can see the picture

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Well come to Tanzania

These animals used to temptations of tourism so it is important to care for the benefit of the generation of tomorrow is also the life of our nation, tourism is the most important visit areas of animal raisers, recent visitors to the parks to experience the countless animals are found here Tanzani, and many attractions are available, such as forests, rivers, cliffs, spectacular reefs exist, in order to protect the environment must support each other, mentally and economically significant nations conducive to growth of smaller nations poor.

Why you not donate to protect animals?

We would like to declare people of good will and love for animals especially if these elephants who have been in danger of extinction their offspring due to poaching despite that the government helps prevent poaching but there is the necessity to fight if it is to educate our community that do not have these animals elephants who have been trading in the markets China and  who are the buyers of ivory, so bring a decline due to the daily killing of the Day, we ask people of good will to support subscription and resources to provide education on the importance elephantpresence on 
our woodland

Wir möchten die Menschen guten Willens zu erklären und die Liebe für die Tiere vor allem, wenn diese Elefanten, die vom Aussterben bedroht sind ihre Nachkommen durch Wilderei, trotz, dass die Regierung hilft zu verhindern, Wilderei, aber es ist die Notwendigkeit zu kämpfen, wenn es zu unserer Gemeinschaft zu erziehen, die nicht über diese Tiere Elefanten, die auf den Märkten gehandelt wurden, haben gewesen China und kungineko, die die Käufer von Elfenbein sind, so bringen einen Rückgang aufgrund der täglichen Ermordung des Tages, bitten wir die Menschen guten Willens vor, Zeichnungs- und Ressourcen zu unterstützen, um Aufklärung über die Bedeutung tuendele Elefanten Präsenz auf unseren Wald liefern
Nous tenons à déclarer les personnes de bonne volonté et de l'amour pour les animaux, surtout si ces éléphants qui ont été en danger d'extinction leur progéniture à cause du braconnage, malgré que le gouvernement aide à prévenir le braconnage, mais il ya la nécessité de combattre si elle est d'éduquer notre communauté qui ne dispose pas de ces animaux éléphants qui ont été la négociation dans les marchés Chine et kungineko qui sont les acheteurs d'ivoire, afin d'apporter un déclin en raison de la mise à mort quotidienne de la Journée, nous demandons aux gens de bonne volonté à soutenir abonnement et de ressources pour fournir une éducation sur l'importance tuendele présence d'éléphants sur notre bois
Vorremmo dichiarare gli uomini di buona volontà e l'amore per gli animali, soprattutto se questi elefanti che sono stati in pericolo di estinzione loro prole a causa di bracconaggio, nonostante che il governo aiuta a prevenire il bracconaggio, ma c'è la necessità di combattere, se è quello di educare la nostra comunità che non hanno questi animali elefanti che sono quotate nei mercati Cina e kungineko che sono gli acquirenti di avorio, in modo da portare un calo a causa della uccisione giornaliera del giorno, chiediamo persone di buona volontà per sostenere la sottoscrizione e le risorse per fornire l'istruzione sull'importanza tuendele presenza elefante sul nostro bosco
Nos gustaría declarar las personas de buena voluntad y el amor por los animales, especialmente si estos elefantes que han estado en peligro de extinción a sus hijos debido a la caza furtiva a pesar de que el gobierno ayuda a prevenir la caza furtiva, pero existe la necesidad de luchar si es educar a nuestra comunidad que no tienen estos animales elefantes que han estado negociando en los mercados China y kungineko quiénes son los compradores de marfil, así que trae un descenso debido a la muerte todos los días de la Jornada, que piden a la gente de buena voluntad para apoyar la suscripción y recursos para proveer educación sobre la importancia tuendele presencia de elefantes en nuestro bosque

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Take action to day plant trees for future

Environmental is key of life take action to day plant trees for the future also help world to fight global climate change Make the decision today to plant trees that will make the decision today will help further to reduce damage and increase the heat so work together to fight global environmental degradation contributes to a tree ,e

Thursday, 8 October 2015


As the world become a major headache on the prevention of environmental degradation also people living in rural areas have disconcerted to find water in favor of agriculture and causing even families lack food so our organization teaches agriculture which will nafaida to society particularly rural people digging this hybrid nipicha the manner in the seedlings cultivated part of incubation In order to deal with the image of the character of global climate change in order to get the benefits of agriculture, we also ask people of good will to help each other mere knowledge of environmental damage

Sunday, 6 September 2015

The FBI: America’s Secret Police by John W. Whitehead --

The FBI: America’s Secret Police by John W. Whitehead --

Take action to day plant trees

The clubs visit to provision education on environmental issues and importance of plant trees for fight global climate change to the World the village mgongo is clubs of global action team,protect environment by plat tree for the future take action to day share for others.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015