

Sunday, 24 July 2016

This is the cultivation of grapes as you see volunteers outlining this field that are going to research the best plants for the cultivation of grapes so we educate small farmers use modern methods to get the best yield is going to give tilled Ceci est la culture de raisins que vous voyez des bénévoles décrivant ce domaine qui vont à la recherche des meilleures plantes pour la culture de raisins afin que nous éduquons les petits agriculteurs utilisent des méthodes modernes pour obtenir le meilleur rendement va donner labouré Dies ist der Anbau von Trauben, wie Sie Freiwilligen finden Sie in diesem Bereich skizziert, die die besten Pflanzen für den Anbau von Weintrauben zu erforschen gehen, so dass wir Kleinbauern verwenden moderne Methoden erziehen die beste Ausbeute erhalten wird gepflügt zu geben Este es el cultivo de la uva como se ve voluntarios que describen este campo que se va a investigar las mejores plantas para el cultivo de la uva de manera que educamos a los pequeños agricultores utilizan métodos modernos para obtener el mejor rendimiento se va a dar labrada

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Cultivation of watermelon cultivated part aqueous medium and require the average temperature in order to grow properly cultivation this happens and youth groups who have focused on the alienation and poverty and expand the daily needs our organization to distribute the seeds of modern young people who work in agriculture the groups to help them develop their economies as you can see the fruit La culture de la pastèque cultivée milieu aqueux partiel et nécessite la température moyenne dans le but de développer correctement la culture cela se produit et les groupes de jeunes qui ont mis l'accent sur l'aliénation et de la pauvreté et d'élargir les besoins quotidiens de notre organisation pour distribuer les graines de jeunes gens modernes qui travaillent dans le secteur agricole les groupes pour les aider à développer leurs économies que vous pouvez voir le fruit El cultivo de la sandía cultivada medio acuoso parte y requieren la temperatura media con el fin de crecer adecuadamente el cultivo esto ocurre y los grupos de jóvenes que se han centrado en la alienación y la pobreza y ampliar las necesidades diarias de nuestra organización para distribuir las semillas de los jóvenes modernos que trabajan en la agricultura los grupos para ayudarles a desarrollar sus economías como se puede ver el fruto Der Anbau von Wassermelonen angebaut wässrigen Medium Teil und erfordern die durchschnittliche Temperatur um dies geschieht und Jugendgruppen richtig Kultivierung zu wachsen, die auf der Entfremdung und Armut konzentriert haben, und erweitern Sie den täglichen Bedarf unserer Organisation die Samen der modernen jungen Menschen zu verteilen, die in der Landwirtschaft arbeiten die Gruppen um ihnen zu helfen, ihre Wirtschaft zu entwickeln, wie man die Früchte sehen können

Friday, 15 July 2016

Tomatoes are a vegetable crop that is cultivated in many parts of the world for use in the home as well as a cash crop. Suspected to be the origin of the tomato is a country of Peru / Ecuador in South America. This plant started to be generated as a product in the country of Mexico and later spread to other parts of the world. Production of tomatoes around here Tanzania Countries the world's growing tomatoes include the US, Italy and Mexico. In the case of African countries that deg is like; Malawi, Zambia and Botswana. This crop is cultivated also in the East African countries, including Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. deg tomato crop almost all areas of Tanzania. Production of tomatoes is greater than other vegetable crops grown in Tanzania, the production of tomatoes per year is a total of 129,578 tonnes representing a 51 % all vegetable crops. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Tanzania areas very tomatoes include Kilimanjaro Region (Hai, Moshi and Rombo), Arusha (Arumeru), Morogoro (Mgeta), Tanga (Lushoto), Mbeya (Mbeya rural) and Singida. Morogoro is the leading agricultural producer who is this with more than 6159 hectares (15,398 acres). Although the area of ​​production is increasing in many areas but the production of tomatoes is still very limited. Low productivity is caused by a decrease in soil fertility, wind, heat, drought. Other factors include the lack of high yielding tomato varieties resistant to many Inactivated our environment, pests, diseases and weeds. environment Weather: Tomatoes thrive better in an environment of moderate temperatures ranging from 18-27 degrees celsius sentigreti. Rain often causes epidemics of leaf mold as late as Baka, etc.) soil: Tomatoes thrive in all types of soils ranging from sandy soil, loam to white clay, provided you have enough compost and do not stand / water. Also have a moderate sourness that is pH 6.0 to 7.0. Types of Tomatoes Given the characteristics of growth, tomato divide into two categories: Type long (intermediate) eg ANNA F1, Tebgeru 97. These species are better planted inside the greenhouse. Harvesting is prolonged, which are harvest even more than 6 months, namely that 6 months is ripening. Short form (determinate) for example Tanya, Cal J, Light, Onyx, Roma VF (tomato candle) pollination, tomato split a two groups: 1. OPV (Open pollinated Variety) - A routine 2. Hybrid - hybrid: These are varieties that have high yields, between them are short and long form. In this 21st century, the tomato is cultivated more preferred by farmers, are those that can tolerate disease, gushing forth much fruit, and most difficult to achieve commercial pod, and provide protection for multiple days without impairment early. Prepare the tomato nursery Important things to consider: Nursery be nearly enough water and permanent Ewe part open and fertile soil and adequate As a nursery area is large and slop be flat or slightly to avoid water nursery, slope being very bright and are not suitable as they cause erosion. Nursery be the part that has not been the product of tomatoes or potatoes (or products category eg nightshade tomato, eggplant, etc.) Ewe parts which are easy to access all necessary services with ease, including the transfer of seedlings to another. Also simplifying the distribution of seedlings to another. Prepare dunes Spawning Tomato Seeds Type terraces: - Dunes Bank (sunken seed bed) - Not raised ridges of soil (raised seed bed) - The usual bumps (flat seed beds) Key Points to consider when designing Terraces We will be the width between 90-120 centimeters, and any length, [provided that a minister can offer all other services without tread garden seedlings]. Working the / deg deep enough volume of 15-20 cm so that the roots it can circulate properly ground. barn trash on the nursery, or embankment covered with polythene, 4-8 weeks to kill pathogens and insects. When preparing, nursery, added a variety of farmyard manure / composite or compost into the soil and working the soil to comfortable with. Mix amount of 1 to 2 meters after each one (step one) square. We will not be bumpy or rugged valleys that can prevent good seed spread on the ridge, well to ensure proper distribution of seeds to avoid seeds buried down so that it will germinate. Advantages and Disadvantages of the above Terraces 1. not raised ridges of soil (raised seed beds); Benefits: bumps like this allows water, air and roots penetrate the soil more easily. root crops finds enough space expanding faster This bumps the yatuamishi water as the other, it is mostly used in areas that play a constant rain. Disadvantages: Dunes of this kind are very causes erosion as it well. 2. dunes Bank (sunken seed beds): Benefits: These ridges are easy to make is used during the summer to conserve water and drain Wet limited available land it is easy to irrigate with water from a canal or pipeline The reserves in the ground moist for a long time prevents soil erosion Disadvantages: Dunes of this kind can not be used in areas wetter. 3. Dunes size (flat seed beds): Benefits: it is very easy to make since the soil when you have kwatuliwa and distributed the seeds are sown is easy to use a large area planting seeds Disadvantages: Dunes of this kind can not be used in areas of high rainfall. sowing seeds Ensure the quality and germination of seeds before garden to grow (germination test) Set on the ridge lines depending on the size of the embankment, but the lines shall not be less or more than 15-20 centimeters from row to row Detailed not contain the terrible lines but be between 1-2 centimeters Terraces might be enough water the day before sowing the seeds. It is better to use the instrument of watering (watering can). Seeds ziatikwe on lines well and widely distributed in order to achieve a good spread of seeds on the embankment. Mix the soft sand and then spread the seeds on the lines drawn on the ridge. Seeds can also be transplanted onto the embankment without lines, but widely distributed to good balance on the embankment in order to reduce congestion. Congestion, cause fungal diseases such as k (damping off) or mold (blight). Keep mulch sufficient amount that it shall prevent seed germination. Once transplanted seeds, irrigate enough water volume depending on which is in the moist ground Concerns after spawning with garden Care Watered after planting in the nursery based on the prevailing moist soil. All yang seedling when it germinates, remove the mulch, then put immunizations to reduce solar radiation that can burn the young seedlings. (During the winter is not very important) Thin seedlings (thinning) to remain on the space available. So plants remain at a distance of 2.5 cm - 4. This will reduce disability and wilt diseases, will also help get better and stronger seedlings. Continue watering until the seedlings reach a height appropriate to transfer to the field. Limit the amount of irrigation water, a few days before the transfer seedlings field, ie 7-10 days. Principles and Methods for transferring seedlings from the garden to the farm (Transplanting Rules) Water the seedlings a few hours prior to transfer to the field when the seedlings thinned seedling roots and soil deep well. Before transferring the seedlings, the holes should be repaired in space beneath conclusion worthy in the field. seedling this transfer in the evening to avoid the potential dangers of the sun. In general almost all vegetable crops are already being transferred to the field and a perfect grass between 2-6 years with well developed roots. Fear must be healthy, have a good upright, so all effected seedlings or excessively thin would not be confiscated during the sending field. The seedlings carefully especially with its soil using materials relevant to the roots harm. seed be transferred immediately after the field early plucked from the garden. When transferring seedlings, great care should be used in order to not damage plants / roots. Preparation Farm Tomatoes Field of tomatoes should be set 1-2 before planting new seedlings. Once burned grass cultivation on soil or remove weeds that can store all the pests and diseases of tomato. One or two days before the transfer to the tomato fields, irrigate parts prepared for transfer to the tomatoes. Space between prism to prism is approximately a centimeter (50-60) x (50-75) depending on the type or weather. If in the winter it is advisable to allow tomato various planted air and prevent fungal diseases. How to plant seedlings: Move the seedlings with soil from his garden Spread roots well in the hole without folding. Refill seedling root depth what what was garden. Irrigate enough water according to the prevailing soil moisture then put mulch and shade to reduce the damage caused by sunlight. Important things to consider after transferring seedlings Field Check field regularly to know the progress or problems from the field early Make sure the field is clean at all times, weeding the field and make sure all weeds exactly what category of tomatoes down. Remove plants attacked by diseases or remove part , then down or burn hot. Reduce the branches and shoots to add light enough to allow circulation tomatoes with enough wind to cause vulnerability to pests on tomatoes enemies, especially those who love dark and damp diseases

Monday, 4 July 2016

This critical factors that volunteers were going tourism reaches here and then goes to the field to look at animals and various attractions near Iringa environmental IEP Protectors Cette facteurs critiques que les volontaires allaient tourisme atteint ici, puis va sur le terrain pour examiner les animaux et les diverses attractions près de Iringa environnementale IEP Protecteurs Este factores críticos que los voluntarios se van turismo llega aquí y luego va al campo a ver los animales y las diversas atracciones cerca de Iringa protectores del medio ambiente IEP Diese kritische Faktoren, die Freiwilligen würden Tourismus erreicht hier und geht dann auf dem Feld bei Tieren und verschiedenen Attraktionen in der Nähe von Iringa Umwelt IEP Schützer zu suchen