

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Sunflower is very good their business has grown many places in our country, but I know it leads Iringa, Dodoma and Singida nako also cultivating very simply. If you find a good one-acre field of sunflowers can give you between magunia5-10 depending on the type of seed you used and how well your field you are serving the. One sack of sunflower that is six cartons can provide 20 liters of oil once refined, this oil can sell between 28,000 to 36,000 shillings for a bucket of 20 liters, you can also sell your oilcake sunflower breeders. If you are a good salesman and you have huge capital followed the advice of either buying machine milking sunflower as devastated by this machine will pay you more because you sold the product yourself a label of your factory, this is very common in Singida, Iringa and in DMP-DodomaLe tournesol est très bon leur entreprise a augmenté de nombreux endroits dans notre pays, mais je sais qu'il mène Iringa, Dodoma et Singida nako cultiver aussi très simplement. Si vous trouvez un bon champ de tournesols d'un acre peut vous donner entre magunia5-10 selon le type de semences que vous avez utilisé et comment votre domaine vous êtes au service de la. Un sac de tournesol qui est six cartons peut fournir 20 litres d'huile une fois raffiné, cette huile peut vendre entre 28.000 à 36.000 shillings pour un seau de 20 litres, vous pouvez aussi vendre vos tourteaux de tournesol éleveurs. Si vous êtes un bon vendeur et vous avez des capitaux énormes suivi les conseils de l'une machine à l'achat de traite tournesol dévasté par cette machine va vous payer plus parce que vous avez vendu le produit vous-même une étiquette de votre usine, ce qui est très commun dans la région de Singida, Iringa et DMP-Dodoma . .El girasol es muy bueno su negocio ha crecido muchos lugares en nuestro país, pero sé que conduce Iringa, Dodoma y Singida Nako también cultivar de manera muy sencilla. Si usted encuentra un buen terreno de un acre de girasoles le puede dar entre magunia5-10 dependiendo del tipo de semilla que utilizó y lo bien que su campo que está sirviendo al. Un saco de girasol que es de seis cajas de cartón puede proporcionar 20 litros de aceite una vez refinado, este aceite puede vender entre 28.000 y 36.000 chelines por un cubo de 20 litros, también se puede vender sus criadores de girasol Tortas. Si usted es un buen vendedor y tiene un capital enorme siguió el consejo de cualquiera de las máquinas de compra ordeño girasol como devastado por esta máquina le pagará más porque vendió el producto por sí mismo una etiqueta de su fábrica, esto es muy común en Singida, Iringa y en DMP-Dodoma Sunflower ist sehr gut ihr Geschäft viele Orte in unserem Land gewachsen ist, aber ich weiß, es führt Iringa, Dodoma und Singida nako auch sehr einfach zu pflegen. Wenn Sie eine gute-Morgen-Feld von Sonnenblumen finden können Sie zwischen magunia5-10 geben, je nach Art von Samen, den Sie verwendet und wie gut Ihr Feld, das Sie dienen der. Ein Sack mit Sonnenblume , die sechs Kartons beträgt 20 Liter Öl liefern kann einmal verfeinert, dieses Öl zwischen 28.000 bis 36.000 Schilling für einen Eimer mit 20 Liter verkaufen können, können Sie auch Ihre oilcake Sonnenblumenzüchter verkaufen. Wenn Sie ein guter Verkäufer sind und Sie haben große Kapital, den Rat entweder Kauf Maschine gefolgt Sonnenblumen Melken als durch diese Maschine am Boden zerstört werden Sie mehr bezahlen, weil Sie das Produkt selbst ein Label Ihrer Fabrik verkauft, ist dies sehr häufig in Singida, Iringa und in
The government of Tanzania has set itself to continue to educate small farmers in Bagamoyo district, Coast region cotton crop to be more commercial, as part of the movement to combat poverty faced by citizens. Members of the Tanzania Cotton Board (TCB), the Association of Cotton Farmers Tanzania (TACOGA) and University Cooperative Association Coast region CORECU are the remarks during a visit to motivate their farmers. Cotton is one of the cash crops in the country that have been a source of progress for many citizens. Other cash crops in the country include cashew nuts, coffee, sisal, sunflower and sesame. While cotton farmers are encouraged to increase productivity, TCB has been criticized for allegedly failing to supervise and defend the crop farmers, including the issue of rising prices for seeds. Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda has lashed out at the leaders and chief executives in the cotton industry who exploit the farmers to stop using contract farming as a sure way to gain market share. Pinda gives his statement in Mwanza when he opened the 10th Meeting of Stakeholders Small Cotton. He says, TACOGA should manage the revolution as cotton farming in fact urging farmers to help them out when they are to improve their lives. "TCA TACOGA to stay together and make an assessment of the creation of these institutions. It must be ready to defend the interests of farmers of this crop and not otherwise ... if you can not do this then you do not deserve to exist, "said Pinda. The Prime Minister said many stakeholders recommend contract farming go forward after irregularities undertaken, including education agreement with all stakeholders and farmers' groups to register in order to be recognized legally. "I believe absolutely that this procedure of contract farming was managed properly it will bring success in increasing productivity; improve the quality and purity of cotton, making cotton Tanzania repeatedly characterized the preferential price paid to improve extension services and prevent farmers from continuing injustice through balance, "said Pinda. He wants leaders and other stakeholders to let them defend personal interest in the matter and instead act on them to be adapted to the challenges faced. "I beg let's create an environment in which a farmer earning him an opportunity to achieve greater production and productivity which also gave cheap life. Cotton Board see to the implementation of the law on contract farming, "said Pinda. "There are some people who have the financial capacity they wish this arrangement as they are accustomed to lend farmers with great interest during the stress and come to claim them shauza their crops ... this procedure ease customers as farmers will now have an alternative mechanism to access affordable credit through this system agriculture, "he said. The Prime Minister said, the mechanism of contract farming in cotton is being implemented with the consent of the stakeholders themselves of cotton who lived in the Seven Summit held on 11 June 2011 after three years of effective pilot in Mara Region, District Bariadi (Simiyu) and District Kibondo (Kigoma). He says that agriculture is a managed and 'Tanzania Gastby Trust' through the Agricultural Development Program of Cotton and Wool Industries (CTDP) in outstanding balance weakened by the presence of the leaders in the cotton grown persuade farmers who oppose or reject the system for their own personal interests. "In some areas you will find an agent they buy cotton from farmers who borrower input and 'CTDP' without their help farmers in any case during the period of cultivation, so the system to restore lending it crumbled to dust, and farmers were incapable of restoring their credit," says Pinda . He says the situation was caused kisimamishwe contract farming in the 2012/2013 agricultural season and contributing to a decline in crop production. He says despite being a product of cotton has grown in the regions about 15 in the country, yet the cultivation of this crop is facing many challenges, including low productivity in the production of cotton which now average national production is 300 kg per acre compared to the set target of achieving production of 1,500 kg per hectare by 2015. "This is due to many farmers improved farming practices, cotton, inadequate extension services and research, lack of inputs, capital and market point of this crop with low agricultural tools. Shortage of adequate manufacturing value addition of cotton is something that also creates resale of raw cotton in the world market price which it occasionally unpredictable, "he said. Pinda says another challenge is a small price to cotton farmers they earn due to the instability of the price of the crop on the world market. To overcome this problem, says stakeholders have proposed the establishment of a special fund to cover the price of cotton to the point where farmers when prices come down in the world market with increasing cotton mills adding value.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

loan worth 20.8 sh.milioni 24 groups of women and young entrepreneurs exist in the council to enable them economically and reduce poverty. Of the groups, 16 women and young people that have to use the loan development process based on the principles and procedures for repaying the loans on time and use the money for its intended purpose IEP is proved Speaking at a ceremony to sign an agreement to hand over the check at the weekend between councils and groups, executive director of the committee, Beatrice Dominic, said the money came from the Development Fund for Women and Youth. He said the fund has enough money to lend to other groups of entrepreneurs where if these funds will be used for good purposes they have, they will liberate economic and promote their capital. Ali called on these groups to repay loans on time for more than 60 groups of entrepreneurship You asked to be given credit, but after the council make a feasibility analysis, was 24 groups contain qualify for loans due to their labels in line with the activity they are doing. Dominic said, the council will not hesitate to take legal action for groups that battle manifest abuse of the funds for these loans there is legal for advancing various groups of entrepreneurial women and young people so that money is obtained for their personal gain for private gain difference and goals them. "I ask too much, be careful in using these funds for this opportunity is unique ... like a good use of these loans likely to take the next step of development is paramount to restoring fine, access to finance others exist so the foundation restoration bearable," he said. Groups that 24 provided checks each due to the characteristics of their activities were request loan where some groups succeeded Pat sh. while others gained one million shillings. 8,000,000, sh. 5,000,000 and some other sh benefited. 4,000,000. Diminic urged members of the committee, collaborating with groups granted loans so they can do well in the activities needs loans and eventually revert to the money in time. For his part, Chairman of the committee, Satma Juma, said the biggest challenge entrepreneurial groups in the district is the problem of repaying the loans it called on these groups to be a model in recovering the money in time. "Take the concept of entrepreneurial groups fail to restore lending money for many groups has been using the money they requested in their different purposes and the text," he said. He said the aim of the council is to provide these loans to ensure its citizens propped up the economy, eliminate poverty situation it is mounted and used the opportunity to promote their capital and welfare. Speaking on behalf of groups that are receiving the loan, one of the leader of the group Jitegemee A, from the county of Mchaulu which engages with various activities with livestock, Rabia Said thanked the committee for handing out credit and eliminate concerns about the recovery funds. "We thank the committee for giving us this loan, restoration of these funds we ask the director do not worry because these groups might be well from operations was handed down," he

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Goats and sheep can be kept affordable to live in vulnerable as disease and drought compared to cattle. Due to their small form can be kept in a small area and can also be served by a family labor and low incomes. Seed shortly enables a breeder to get a goat / sheep for a brief period. The animals are raised for meat, milk, hides, wool and other crops for family consumption and income generation. Taming the best of the sheep and goats consider the following principles: - Be restrained at best iringa or fold. Elected by the praises of the throat / type and purpose of production (meat, milk or wool). Just give proper nutrition based on the age and needs of the body. Considering methods of disease control, as advocated by a veterinary expert. Set and keep accurate records of production; and Produce meat, milk or wool with quality that meets the needs of Les chèvres et les moutons peuvent être gardés abordables pour vivre vulnérables comme la maladie et à la sécheresse par rapport aux bovins. En raison de leur petite forme peut être conservé dans une petite zone et peut également être servi par une main-d'œuvre familiale et de faibles revenus. Seed permet peu de temps un éleveur d'obtenir une chèvre / brebis pendant une brève période. Les animaux sont élevés pour la viande, le lait, les peaux, la laine et d'autres cultures destinées à la consommation familiale et la génération de revenus. Apprivoiser le meilleur des moutons et des chèvres en considération les principes suivants: - Soyez retenu au mieux banda ou se coucher. Elu par les louanges de la gorge / type et le but de la production (viande, lait ou de laine). Juste donner une bonne nutrition basée sur l'âge et les besoins du corps. Compte tenu des méthodes de lutte contre les maladies, tel que préconisé par un expert vétérinaire. Définir et conserver des registres précis de la production; et Produire de la viande, du lait ou de la laine de qualité qui répond aux besoins du marché.

Due to a history book, clove trees began to be planted on the islands of the Seychelles, Mauritius and elsewhere. Seedlings of Zanzibar clove tree was brought from Mauritius in 1818, this species more Developed Zanzibar Unguja and Pemba which provide 80 percent of the world's cloves required. And the islands of Zanzibar's economy depends heavily on clove.

La production à grande échelle de cette culture et de l'absence de marchés oblige les agriculteurs à vendre certains fournisseurs parce qu'il n'y a pas de marché qui peuvent leur fournir des avantages. Dodoma Région a été le plus grand producteur de raisins sur une grande échelle et petite. Un total de 1.631 tonnes de raisins ont été récoltés dans le domaine de Chinangali seulement 11 dans la période 2012-2014. Les raisins étaient vaut 1.138 milliards de shillings. Aussi des centaines de tonnes de raisins produits par les agriculteurs dans de petites parcelles. Le long terme est de savoir comment la production de la culture du raisin pour beaucoup de gens alerté à cultiver la culture. Même dans une partie de la petite irrigation goutte à goutte de la ferme a été tenue l'Etat, en reconnaissant que, après plusieurs années Dodoma sera le plus grand producteur de raisins. Selon les experts agricoles, il existe quatre types de raisin muscat, y compris le nom des célèbres raisins de table italiens qui ont tendance à manger. Les raisins sont blancs. Le deuxième type est Makutupora Rouge qui sont noirs, le même genre utilisé pour faire du vin rouge. Un autre type de raisin est Chenin blanc qui est utilisé pour faire du vin blanc et épépiné Rubi qui sont utilisés pour manger. Cette variété de raisin et de petits fruits qui sont parfois utilisés dans le gâteau solvant ou cookies. Cépages dure un an et huit mois depuis grandi pour être récolté. Cépages produit Dodoma est le maximum et le sucre sont aussi bons, mais le plus grand défi est le manque de marchés fiables. raisins Dodoma ont été vendus à des prix inférieurs en dépit d'avoir une grande qualité. Un kilo de raisins de table a été pour aller chercher Sh 1200, ceux d'Afrique du Sud ont été vendus de Sh. 4.000 par kilo. Les raisins rouges sont vendus à Sh 800 à Sh 900 par kg dans la dernière saison, le prix d'un kilo de raisins vendus à Sh 500. Malgré les efforts des agriculteurs au prix du raisin semble être moins et vend maintenant kilogramme pour entre Sh 700 à Sh 800 . selon les agriculteurs, en raison de la rareté du marché, un champ de raisins zinaozea. Mahelela Lucy dit, les acheteurs de raisin ne vont pas au moment où ils peuvent devenir encore ont commencé à pourrir. "Beaucoup d'acheteurs ne sont pas acheter dans le temps commence champs de raisin de kuozea tandis que d'autres veulent vendus sauce aux raisins», dit l'agriculteur, en ajoutant que même les petites industries veulent et non sauce aux raisins vendus à nouveau. "Même les raisins zikiiva ne viennent pas à acheter et ils viennent d'acheter le jour où ils le veulent et le prix qu'ils les veulent quelque chose qui blesse l'agriculteur parce qu'il vend pour le prix d'une perte qui ne correspond pas au coût de production." Il dit que si le marché serait sûr que les espoirs des agriculteurs pour la culture serait succès contrairement à maintenant où ils ont un marché spéculatif. Un autre agriculteur, Joseph centipede dit avoir été planté sur la ferme qui n'a pas été testé état inayowawia difficile d'obtenir des prêts bancaires pour la course agricole efficace. Il dit que si yangepimwa zones seraient sûr d'obtenir des prêts auprès des institutions financières. Christopher Magala veut que le gouvernement de se pencher sur les producteurs de raisin dans la région de Dodoma en général être alerté beaucoup de gens à cultiver la culture. «Le gouvernement ituangalie notre agriculture d'être plus efficace», dit l'agriculteur, ajoutant que maintenant la culture de raisins commercialisation malgré l'absence d'un marché. Il dit de nombreux agriculteurs ont augmenté la production après avoir obtenu l'argent qu'ils ont utilisé pour acheter de meilleurs outils agricoles, y compris des houes et des pompes à bœufs et d'irrigation. Il veut les jeunes à avoir une plus grande prise de conscience de l'auto-emploi, afin de surmonter la pauvreté parce que, malgré Dodoma être moins de pluie, les raisins ont été zikistawi bien. Selon les statistiques de la production de raisins dans le quartier Chamwino production globale a doublé les marchés de manière visuelle contestées en particulier capables d'industries de transformation. Dans l'année 2012/2013 raisins rouges ont été vendus à un prix de 800 par kilo Sh, Sh 1200 pour les raisins blancs, mais la situation est devenue différente pour la saison en Septembre 2014 si des prix de Sh les plus gros acheteurs de l'usine et millésimes Alko Cetawico offert 700 kilos de raisins rouges et Sh 850 kg de raisins blancs. Chamwino District Officer agricole, Aithan Aula dit le district a une stratégie pour faire la récolte de raisin pour être l'une des cultures de rente. En raison de cette stratégie en 2008 a fourni une plus grande goutte à goutte de raisin de production a été mis en place dans le village de Chinangali 11. Il dit avec l'introduction du projet, le district a continué à encourager les agriculteurs dans les villages Handali, Chanhumba, Nghaheleze, mission Mvumi, Ilolo, Mvumi Makulu, United Makang'wa et Chamwino commencer à produire la récolte. Aussi jusqu'à présent le quartier dispose d'un total de 531 hectares produisant des raisins et la zone centrale, il y a 411 hectares et 120 hectares dans les villages du projet sont 11 Chinangali vous utilisez irrigation goutte à goutte. "Comme si exécuter cette production de raisin augmente à mesure que plus de gens ont la motivation et l'importance que l'agriculture est de trouver des marchés fiables aux citoyens qui ont choisi de lutter contre la pauvreté grâce à la culture de raisins peuvent progresser», dit Aula. Aula dit la production de raisin a augmenté dans le district que de nombreux citoyens ont lancé les champs agricoles et que beaucoup se font grâce à l'irrigation au goutte à goutte. Il dit qu'il ya eu de nombreuses plaintes de la part de nombreux viticulteurs ont été zikiharibika le terrain en raison de l'absence de marché et maintenant ils sont déterminés à se battre pour assurer les acheteurs point de producteurs de raisin sont situés. Elle est domaine de raisins Chinangali 11 limetanuliwa et maintenant passera à 300 acres qui ont été distribués aux personnes vivant dans les villages et vignobles à proximité. La ferme est maintenant 600 acres et aura une augmentation de la production de raisins. «Si nous allons extrémité droite de cette année sera planté tout le champ», dit Aula. Il dit que les gens qui trouvent ces zones sont en train de creuser des tranchées pour leur force car ils voient leur succès leur premier 300 qui a planté des raisins dans la région. Anavitaja villages que ses citoyens ont été fournis zones pour cultiver des raisins qui sont Chinangali 11, Manchali, Koja, Buigiri, Lebe et Chamwino. Aula dit que les 300 premiers agriculteurs sont membres de SACCO et Chabruma Amcos Mifune qui ont reçu des prêts auprès des institutions financières État qui signe beaucoup de gens à voir les avantages de la culture du raisin. Il dit la ferme dispose d'une infrastructure d'irrigation utilisant des gouttes et est l'un des principaux champs de raisin dans la région de Dodoma. Aula dit, il y a un nouveau champ de raisin Mvumi Makulu pays 323 acres où ils vont creuser des tranchées en leur pouvoir, avec le soutien de l'Agence pour le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM). Elle commence la production dans ces domaines va augmenter le niveau des raisins produits. "Le but d'avoir une grande ferme en un seul endroit, il est plus facile d'accéder aux services de vulgarisation, les infrastructures, l'eau, l'irrigation, l'accès au crédit et aller sur la valeur ajoutée à leur pertinente". "En outre, il y aura un marché fort parce qu'il y aura des cultures répond aux exigences», dit Aula. Directeur exécutif Chamwino, Saada Mwaruka dit d'identifier les défis auxquels sont confrontés les agriculteurs des cultures de raisin dans le district de Chamwino en raison des énormes investissements détenus dans les régimes de district a signé un contrat avec la Banque de développement (TIB) pour maintenir le conseil pour financer la construction d'un raisin transformé en usine dans les régimes Chinangali 11. Elle maintenant District en collaboration avec TIB a gagné conseiller professionnel qui a terminé la tâche de préparer des études de faisabilité, des dessins et des coûts du projet aux banques qu'elle peut fournir des fonds de prêts au conseil pour la construction de l'usine. Selon Mwaruka, l'usine sera utilisée raisins transformés Chinangali 11 agriculteurs et leur vinavyolima les autres villages. De plus, le district a alloué un total de 17 acres dans un champ de 11 Chinangali à la construction de l'usine et le coût réel du projet sera connu après le consultant pour terminer les travaux de conception du projet.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Number of caged animals for human food that exceeded more than twice around the world. There are thousands of animals all over the world while they are few who tamed. Of these animals, are four types (cattle, sheep, goats and poultry) who took 95% of all animals caged. These animals are found in tropical lowland. But among these animals, poultry is popular in the tropics and even around the world. The aim of this article is to provide information to assist small-scale breeders in developing countries to reduce poverty. The first section (I) will provide information about the rearing and especially poultry, second section (II) shall address the following issues in raising the economic conditions for poultry: 1. Develop local poultry using excessive costs Non-invasive way. 2. Finding appropriate ways and means of producing chicken best rates through nature. 3. Use natural methods or the non-cost money to treat and prevent diseases of poultry. Information on poultry in developing countries Despite missing plantations develop cattle, many communities in the tropics (tropics) finds the position of raising poultry on a small scale. Number of animals caged increases in line with that of men. Population mount where the animal is kept. A large number of people need plenty of food and consumption increases, so people work hard to produce food and income from the farm. Cattle and animals need fodder in abundance require large amounts of land to plant crops and fodder. Compared to poultry production, will need food residues and small parts of the field. Poultry farming has been able to thrive even without money. In the tropics pastoralism not need a lot of work, this work is done by women and children. Typically in these countries a lot of work at home is exercised by the mother. All poultry may from: 1) The remains of food, 2) The remains of plants, 3) Residue from the kitchen and 4) All of seeking (eg weeds, seeds, insects, nyongonyongo, etc.). System of poultry for the traditional use readily available ingredients and strengthen the economic situation and the best food for the community. It is very important to keep livestock even if to a lesser extent because of 1) Food quality and increase the income of the community at reasonable rates; 2) Livestock are important assets or a bank, its profits reproduces only if the interest of the bank; 3) Livestock can be sold to cover the fees of the students, payments to hospitals, other household expenses and even field; 4) social spending (for example to pay dowry, religious activities, etc.); 5) Livestock helps to control insects, weeds and soil improvement from manure droppings. It is clear that the animal is very important for the farmer anyone. The importance of the traditional husbandry Poultry farming in developing countries can be divided into two types: 1) cultural or traditional farming absence costs, and 2) modern farming you need a lot of money. Taming of rigorous standards to comply with modern systems are popular in producing chicken meat and the eggs. This system consists of a very small percentage of the type of farming. inform that the modern form of the traditional A large number of people in the tropics depend on the local system for meat and eggs. System modernization requires a lot of money to buy food chicken. Moreover sophisticated system requires a lot of work to implement. Sophisticated system has been successful in developed countries due to the favorable economic conditions in produce (chicken of the above conditions, hatching for electricity, mineral-rich foods, equipment and machine tools, the expertise of the highest order, etc.). It will not work very introducing such systems in villages in developing countries. "Reform" in farming (attaching a modern system with the traditional) have been subjected to trials in developing countries since 1950 Results chicken about 200 to 300 for the same field yajawai success. Losses have been found and you can see the houses and poultry without any, money has disappeared and chicken were not there. System locally is the best (in the economic situation) if the number of poultry chicken surpasses 50. It is easy to care for chickens, as there is no excessive costs. If the food or the latest tools to be bought, then it will be in large quantities. Yield of meat and eggs will bring benefits. Many places in developing countries there is no electricity in the tropics, farming on a small scale you can succeed and strengthen the economy. Benefits of poultry through local Benefits of poultry production in order to strengthen the economy in this way have been ignored by the leaders and financiers. Chickens are a benefit to society as we have seen in Section I. Additionally, poultry can be improved without excessive cost compared to other breeds. · Giving us money by selling meat and eggs · Eggs are the food and nutrients and less expensive in any market. (Minerals such as methionine and cystine), these minerals are very important for the health of people especially infant. It also gives us protein. · Stool chicken is fresh manure · Factory text of chicks · The cost of establishing and developing lighter · Stew simple and easy for visitors, stew does not need to reserve serves one meal or two and ended · Rooster serves as at singing · Chicken feathers used to manufacture various ornaments, pillows and mattresses · Chickens pests Chicken is a unique animal that can live anywhere in the world without vulnerable rates and weather. Poultry farming is the activities undertaken by the world abundance than the raising of any kind. Chickens are naturalized in the tropics due to the ratio obtained during the early humans had Asian jungle fowl chicken wild type. Eggs also can be stored easily and takes minimal space than any kind of animal products. Eggs can be a place for a long time without requiring ice. You will not need to store chicken in any way, since its meat is found when you need to slaughter. The shortage of foreign chicken compared to traditional ones are as follows: Chicken migrant can not sit and hatch the eggs, thus is needed to buy chicks (expense); • foreign chicks require special handling and special foods (expense); • Chickens were produced through modern need plenty of food to spawn (expense); • Chicken modernization requires more inoculated against diseases (expense) compared to traditional (albeit they need coverage); • chickens lay eggs need light to electricity (at 14 days) to spawn (expense) In addition, dark chicken meat and eggs attracts traditional than the modern chicken. So let's try to develop and encourage local poultry. If a farmer has one rooster and hen twelve, then every month you can get chicken sitting on eggs 10-12 per month (all the eggs will hatch in most cases is) there is no guarantee of four chicks each month. Hen takes four months tending chicks were hatched. Therefore, among all twelve chickens there will always be four poultry chicks were kept, while the other eight were laying eggs. Chickens were raised through cultural finds their food by finding seeds, insects nyongonyongo, etc; But these chickens lack enough food rich in power so that they can lay eggs. Carbohydrates are always scarce. You can feed the chickens for grain to feed themselves power (eg one kilo of grain beaten daily for 10 chickens), this grain should be dried. The chicks should be given small amounts of corn or rice first week. Chickens are fed grain after seeking out food increases the number of eggs (from about 20-25% to 40-50%). There is a need to store the grain as feed instead of selling as you will find as many eggs that later you can sell. You will not need to buy protein foods as chicken feed protein is sought. If you have no grain foods can use the root or bananas. All of this type, however, is confusing chicken povitonogoa, standard eggs are not substantial as the ones who are fed grain. For feeding chicken with corn allows you to preview the four eggs a day from the eight chickens. If no grain, between eight chickens that lay the eggs have only two days. It's best to use this as nutritious than corn to sell and eventually buy food store. Chicken twelve and one rooster fed kg of grain per day can be defined thus: • You can sell four hens each month and fill the gap with those chicks (four chicks hatch every month) and • Ten Dozen eggs each month (four eggs daily). In one year you can evaluate the benefits you will get and how the economic situation can be lifted in developing countries. However, this advantage is adaptation if not be hindered or prone diseases as follows. Implement a mechanism to prevent diseases Diseases that cause losses in the form of poultry. Chickens were immunized against diseases remain healthy. Try to always prevent disease, since prevention is better than cure. Breathing can be extracted regularly (every three months) against the following diseases: Newcastle disease This disease affects poultry and the resulting loss in the tropics. This virus spreads rapidly and relatively simple mortality by 100%. The first symptoms are difficulty breathing and realized the air, sounds like a cough and discharge mate. Stool can have a green. So far no drugs. You can prevent this disease by providing vaccines. Vaccines are found all over the world even in the tropics on one hundred bullets tests. These drugs can be stored for long. You can keep for about a week away from the sun or heat (this vaccine is unique, as other types of vaccines are kept in the refrigerator). You can provide coverage to put dots on the lip. All birds (large and small) should be vaccinated after every three months. worms Worms like chango (roundworms) and tapeworms (tapeworms) affects local chickens. Kuku lack of appetite, eggs decreases and other diseases attack. It is best then to the worms. The combination of three types of drugs are used to destroy worms, these drugs are piperazine, phenothiazine and butynorate. These drugs are available as tablets (1 tablet used for whole chicken and 1/2 for chicks). If you will not receive this medication, you can use Panacur or other drugs to destroy worms. Give chicken worm medicine every three months. insects Pests like aphids or mites are disturbingly chicken in pastoralism. Lice or mites causes contact of the skin, chickens are susceptible finds trouble with insomnia. This condition reduces the amount of eggs and poultry weight. Use 5% of powder spray malathion for poultry (that which bottle to inflate to cut holes) blow all the chickens to prevent lice and mites (one kilogram of this powder can treat chickens 150). This spray after every three months, you can blow at the same time to provide vaccines and drugs mentioned above. Inflate the flour processing also nests eggs. You can prepare a 5% to 25% malathion to combine the flour malathion (agricultural) and four parts of ash from the kitchen. Lung Disease Disease affects the lungs through the air and attach mate Venice and sound like a cough. This disease spreads slowly. Infection also occurs slowly and deaths are not in abundance. However, lay eggs and weight is reduced This trouble can spread even from where chicks are hatched until they were sold. Tylosin19 is a potential cure for lung diseases. The amount of 35mg of tylosin is enough chicken one (this level is useful even chicken and chicks) This medication is stopped due to the effects of pulmonary diseases. Chicken Treat every three months, you can execute at the same time to provide a protective and destructive worms. Tylosin is found in small packets of 4GM. You can prepare this medicine with water and 35gm of tylosin (four grams in two cups of water), this amount can be given by dots per chicken. ................................. .............................. .//. IN BRIEF (Summary) tribe Chicken Not easy to find a real tribe (pure breed) or the actual generation (pure line) of local chicken from the interaction of generations between different types of chickens. But some of the local birds can be identified due to their nature, for example Kuchi Warefuna stand with your back as vertical They have less body hair and their crowns are tiny Cocks have an average of 2.5 kg and 1.8 kg defend 45 gram eggs Ching'wekwe (small shape) Occurs more Morogoro and Maasai Cocks 1.6 kg Defending 1.2 kg 37 gram egg These chickens are ideal for businesses of eggs that lay very many eggs. Profile of Central Cocks 1.9 kg Defending 1.1 kg Eggs 43g It grows quickly and develop immunity immediately after vaccinating against Newcastle disease (New Castle) Singamagazi Occurs most Tabora Cocks have defended the colors of fire and color bee Cocks 2.9 kg Defending kilo 2 Eggs 56 grams Mbeya Ileje marshy Mbeya and their origin is Malawi Rooster 3 kg Defending kilo 2 Eggs 49 grams Their ability to incubation and hatching eggs is very low compared to other poultry Shapes average and slender bodies Cocks 1.5 kg Defending 1 kg 42 grams eggs Very difference and His turban is an elongated large mixed- Cocks 1.6 kg Defending 1.2 kg Eggs 42 grams Features of local chicken Perseverance Disease They are able to find food , withhold and raising chicks vulnerable (drought, cold, etc.) Its flesh tastes good In upgrading the local chicken is good best house Be given protection against Newcastle disease (New Castle), Smallpox (Fowl Pox) with the protection of worms. Formation best chicks Provide them with extra food and drinking enough water. The best house Area constructed chicken house or pavilion be Linafikika easily Limeinuka on water pasituame There shall be no trending spirits Materials like wood, straw, thatch, poles, trees speck of dust, cement, metal, etc. Characteristics of Excellent Chicken House Paa established lisilovuja Kuta not have cracks Floors should be no cracks Windows adequate ventilation Whether and entrance cleaning Whether the size (space) corresponding to the number of chickens. Approximately 10-15 chickens per square meter Highlights indoors Chaga bedding chicken Pavement be included Miranda (wood shavings), rice chaff, etc. Spawning nests of 35x35x35 centimeters and the number of nests contain half the number of chickens that reached the point of lay and be kept hidden part (Privacy) Uatamiaji eggs There are 2 ways Through design (incubators) low Prepare chickens incubation Keep Maranda or straw in the nest Anapokaribia incubation produces eggs in the nest together and Miranda, make sure hands does spices Spray insecticides (fleas, mites, etc.) within the nest, also expects mnyunyizie medicine chickens incubate the eggs Put chicken eggs in the nest to begin incubation Usually chicken incubate her eggs for 21 days, then hatch Brood-raising There are two ways Through design The natural way The natural way Chicken own walks and chicks he helps them find food. It is better to isolate chicken with chicks in her room only to poultry chicks from attack by others as well to protect the animals and birds that attack chicks. Through design Chicks are placed together in a special room and provided specific heat, food and water. Use the lantern lights (Nemli), electric or charcoal cooker and put it on the lamp circumference (circle) when the chicks. There is also a device called Kinondoni brooder is good for storing chicks. By using this device chickens can be stripped of their young shortly after divulging to turn on this brooder and the chickens were left without their young, after three or four weeks, chickens begin again the case of poisoning and proceed with the tamiaji to withhold again. In this style chicken might not paying 5-6 times as now instead of 2-3 times per year. They shall be brooder chicks within 3-4 weeks and then opened the doors of brooder allow chicks battle out hanging outside the room without presenting kw period of one month or more depending on the circumstances. Feeding the local birds Chicken greater need 120 grams of food per day, are well-caged hens liberal (free range) to be given extra food 30 grams daily in the evening. Chickens fed Root-cassava, sweet potato, potato, yams, etc. Grain-maize, rice, sorghum, millet and bran of all grains Vegetables-legumes, tomatoes, moringa, pawpaw leaves Fruit-paw paws, mangoes, etc. Groundnut oil-seeds, sesame seeds, oilcake cotton, sunflower, etc. Flour seafood Water Combine chicken feed Pumba 20 kg Mashudu 3 kg of cotton etc. Seafood shredded 1 kg Flour for dried leaves shade and Sausage 2 kg 0.25 kg flour Bones Mortar animal 0.25 kg 30 grams of salt Composition / Premix 25 grams raising The ratio of defending and defending cock is a cock 10-12 Qualities defended greater physical, a lot ovulation, made a good tamiaji and guardian of chicks Features of the rooster is great to be physically, unrefined solid and strong, long, sword / miter scale, to be able to put it defended food and have the love chicks Rooster begins to rise at the age of 7-10 months and three years to keep up with him around his children Defending begins to lay with 6-8 months DISEASES OF CHICKEN Newcastle The virus that causes the disease is spread in the air indications Kuhalisha toilet green and yellow Coughing and difficulty breathing Turning to the back neck Hide head mid-foot Lack of appetite and drink A large number of deaths to 90% Kinga Coverage (New Castle vaccine) for the program 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months Avoid inserting chicken visitors Burn or bury the carcasses of dead chickens for disease Note sanitation Chicken Pox (Fowl pox) Virus is transmitted through a wound or mosquitoes indications Lesions containing membranes brown / purple on visible parts Lack of appetite High mortality Kinga Vaccinate chicks when they reach 1-2 month with coverage of Fowl pox vaccine Avoid inserting chicken visitors Note sanitation Typhoid (Fowl typhoid) Diarrhea stool green and white chick lack of appetite Chicken is lean Fatalities are a little bit long Kinyeshi cling to fur therapy Prescription type of antibiotic, sulfa and vitamins Kinga Cleanliness Refill carcasses Do not import poultry visitors All poultry was slaughtered when the disease enters the wash stall, also rested graze for 6 months Flu Chicken (Infectious coryza) It follows bakitelia and attacks especially older chickens indications swollen face Kamasizilizochanganyikana and you smelled so murky Eyes swell with tears and possibly blindness Hukosa appetite Wings are repelled by giving bad smell therapy Antibiotic drugs, sulfa and vitamins Dysentery (Coccidiosis) Caused by a parasite Protozoa indications dysentery Feathers stands Hulala and lack of appetite worms indications Drink worms Hukosa appetite Hukonda or stunted Sometimes the cough therapy Prescription Worm / Pipeazine citrate every three months PESTS Fleas, lice, mites indications Scratching and kujikung'uta Feathers were poorly Paint the sword being poorly Skin become thick, scaly hard and dripping as flour Prevention Seal cracks in the floor and walls of the pavilion Sweep banda twice a week Sprinkle ashes or lime once a week after sweep Choma residues eggs yaliyoanguliwa Sprinkle spray nests Keep Maranda, straw, rice chaff enough on the floor inside the poultry pavilion Follow the rules of coverage Separate poultry patients to stay away from the adult chicken LIMITATIONS OF NUTRITION ON FOOD organisms indications Chicken decreases blood, weight and stunted Bones are soft and unassertive Hutaga eggs with soft shell and a minor They have feathers weak

Friday, 1 April 2016

NJOMBE begin using the new seed potatoes Fourth seed potato Bora become effective on the territory of Wanging'ombe, NJOMBE region, following a survey conducted by the Institute of Agricultural Research, Yole, and realized that these seeds are good for agriculture. Agriculture Officer of the district council, HENRY VAHAYE said farmers have had a response in the use of these seeds are cited different disease tolerant crops. Professionals in agriculture in DC New Wanging'ombe, said the discovery of the Fourth seed potato, may be the solution to poverty in this district enemy resistance. With these new seed potatoes that have begun to be used by farmers in five districts of the provinces of Njombe, Iringa and Mbeya, allegedly regulated diseases except wilt disease that has to be toxic to plant roots in the country. NJOMBE commencer à utiliser les nouvelles pommes de terre de semence Quatrième Bora de pommes de terre de semence devienne effective sur le territoire de Wanging'ombe, région NJOMBE, à la suite d'une enquête menée par l'Institut de recherche agricole, Yole, et a réalisé que ces graines sont bonnes pour l'agriculture. Officier du conseil de district Agriculture, HENRY VAHAYE dit les agriculteurs ont eu une réponse dans l'utilisation de ces graines sont citées résister à diverses maladies des cultures. Les professionnels de l'agriculture dans DC New Wanging'ombe, a déclaré la découverte de la quatrième pomme de terre de semence, peut être la solution à la pauvreté dans cette résistance ennemie du district. Avec ces nouvelles pommes de terre qui ont commencé à être utilisés par les agriculteurs dans cinq districts des provinces de Njombe, Iringa et Mbeya, aurait réglementé les maladies sauf la maladie du flétrissement qui doit être toxique pour les racines des plantes dans le pays. Njombe alkaa käyttää uutta siemenperunat Neljäs siemenperuna Bora tulevat voimaan alueella Wanging'ombe, Njomben alue jälkeen tekemän selvityksen Institute of Agricultural Research, Yole, ja ymmärtäneet, että nämä siemenet ovat hyviä maatalouden. Maatalous Officer alueneuvoston, HENRY VAHAYE sanoi maanviljelijät on ollut vasteen käyttää näitä siemeniä mainittu kestävät erilaisia sairauksia viljelykasvien. Ammattilaiset maataloudessa DC New Wanging'ombe, sanoi löytö neljännen siemenperunan, voi olla ratkaisu köyhyyden tällä alueella vihollisen vastarintaa. Näiden uusien siemenperunat ovat alkaneet käyttää viljelijöiden viisi piirit maakuntien Njombe, Iringassa ja Mbeya, väitetään säännelty tautien kuin kuihtuvat tauti, joka on myrkyllisenä istuttaa juuret maassa. Njombé comenzar a utilizar las nuevas patatas de siembra En cuarto lugar Bora semilla de papa se haga efectiva en el territorio de Wanging'ombe, Njombé región, a raíz de una encuesta realizada por el Instituto de Investigación Agrícola, Yole, y se dio cuenta de que estas semillas son buenas para la agricultura. Oficial del consejo de distrito Agricultura, HENRY VAHAYE dicho agricultores han tenido una respuesta en el uso de estas semillas son citados cultivos tolerantes magonjwambalimbali. Los profesionales de la agricultura en la CC Nueva Wanging'ombe, dijeron que el descubrimiento de la Cuarta patata de siembra, puede ser la solución a la pobreza en este distrito resistencia enemiga. Con estas nuevas patatas de siembra que han comenzado a ser utilizado por los agricultores en cinco distritos de las provincias de Njombe, Iringa y Mbeya, presuntamente regulada enfermedades excepto la marchitez que tiene que ser tóxico para plantar raíces en el país.