

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Agro forestry is key of Agriculturals

Image result for kilimo cha nyanyaImage result for kilimo cha nyanya

Background:• Tomatoes are a vegetable crop that is cultivated many places in the world for domestic use as well as a cash crop. Suspected to be the origin of the tomato is a country of Peru / Ecuador in South America. This plant began to be produced as a crop in Mexico and later spread to other countries of the world.READ; Opportunities in HorticultureProduction of tomatoes around and TanzaniaCountries growing tomatoes in abundance around included USA, Italy and Mexico. In terms of Africa countries that are planted like; Malawi, Zambia and Botswana.This crop is cultivated also in the countries of East Africa, including Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.Linalimwa tomato crop almost all areas of Tanzania. Production of tomatoes is greater than other vegetable crops grown in Tanzania, the production of tomatoes per year is 129,578 tonnes representing a total of 51 asalimia all vegetable crops. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Tanzania very yanalolima tomatoes sites include Kilimanjaro (Hai, Moshi and Rombo), Arusha (Arumeru), Morogoro (Mgeta), Tanga (Lushoto), Mbeya (Mbeya rural) and Singida. Morogoro's leading agricultural producers herein with the more than 6,159 hectares (15,398 acres). Although the area of ​​production is increasing in many areas but tomato production is still very limited.Low production caused by the decline in soil fertility, wind, heat, drought. Other factors include the lack of tomato varieties resistant high-yield amabazo our environment, pests, diseases and weeds.Settings• Climate:Tomatoes thrive better in an environment of moderate temperatures ranging from 18-27 degrees celsius sentigreti. Rain always causes an explosion of diseases such as Baka leaf fog delay etc.)• Soil:Tomatoes thrive in all types of soils ranging from sandy soil, white clay loam up, provided you have enough compost and do not osimamisha / us then water. Also have a moderate sourness that is pH 6.0 to 7.0.Types of TomatoesGiven the characteristics of growth, tomato divide into two categories:1. Type the longest (intermediate) eg ANNA F1, Tebgeru 97. These are better plant inside the greenhouse. Harvesting is prolonged, exist which havest even more than 6 months, namely that 6 months is ripening.2. Type a short (determinate) for example Tanya, Cal J, Light, Onyx, Roma VF (tomato candle)a cording  pollination, tomato divide two categories:1. OPV (open pollinated Variety) - Type normal2. Hybrid - hybrid: These are varieties that have high yields, between them are short and long form.In this 21st century, tomatoes grown more preferred by farmers, are those that tolerate disease, gushing forth much fruit, and containing shell difficult to achieve transportation, and provide protection for many days without damage early.READ; An understanding of the five elements Important Before Investing In Agriculture - 2Prepare seedbed of tomatoesImportant things to consider:• nursery should be close to enough water and permanent• Ewe part open and fertile soil and sufficient• Zone nursery big as it should be plain or with a little hills to avoid water not  the nursery, as a very sharp downward and are not suitable as they cause erosion.• Block should be the part that was not the product of tomatoes or potatoes (or category of tomato crops km nightshade, eggplant, etc.)• Ewe parts which are easy to access all necessary services with ease, including the transfer of seedlings to another. Also simplify distribution of seedlings to another.Terraces Prepare Tomato Seed sowingType terraces:- Dunes Bank (sunken seed bed)- Not raised ridges of soil (raised seed bed)- The usual bumps (flat seed beds)Key Points to consider when designing Terraces• We will be the width between 90-120 centimeters, and any length, [that project worker can provide all other services without tread garden seedlings].• At feet / planted deep enough so that the roots of 15-20 cm it can circulate properly ground.• Burn trash on the nursery, or covered with a plastic ridge, 4-8 weeks to kill pathogens and pests.• When preparing, nursery, added a variety of farmyard manure / composite or compost into the soil to mix well then working the soil.• Mix in 1 to 2 bushel after each one meter (one step) square.• We will be without rugged valleys or plains that can prevent a good spread of seeds on the ridge, well to ensure proper distribution of seeds and avoid seeds buried down so that it will germinate.Advantages and Disadvantages of ridges above1. not raised ridges of soil (raised seed beds);- Bumps in this manner allows water, air and roots penetrate the soil more easily.- Root crops finds enough space expanding faster- These ridges not live water as the other, it is mostly used in areas that play a constant rain.Disadvantages:o Dunes of this kind are very causes erosion as a productive well.2. dunes Bank (sunken seed beds):Benefits:· These bumps are easy to make· Used during the summer to conserve water and drain· Wet limited available land· Is easy watering with tap water or tap· Store moist on the ground for a long time· Prevent the erosion of landDisadvantages:· Terraces of this type can not be used in areas· Wetter.3. Terraces size (flat seed beds):Benefits:· Is very easy to make because the soil when you have dig pull· And distributed the seeds are sown· Is easy to use a large area to grow seedsDisadvantages:Terraces of this type can not be used in areas of high rainfall.Sowing seeds• Ensure the quality and germination of seeds before to grow garden (germination test)• Put on the ridge lines depending on the size of the embankment, but the lines shall not be less or more than 15-20 centimeters from row to row• Depth of lines not contain horrible but be between 1-2 centimeters• Bumps might be enough water the day before sowing seeds. It is good to use tool for irrigation (watering can).• Seed seedlings on the lines and widely distributed well to achieve a good spread of seeds onto the embankment. Soft sand and seed mix and spread on the lines drawn up on the ridge.Seed can also be transplanted onto the embankment without lines, but widely distributed to good balance on the ridge in order to reduce congestion. Congestion stops it fungal diseases such as black  (damping off) or mold (blight).• Keep mulch enough that it shall prevent seed germination.• Once transplanted seeds, watered enough according to wetter which is in the groundConcerns after spawning with garden Care• Irrigate the nursery water after planting according to the prevailing moist soil.• All seedlings when the mounts, remove the mulch, then put wickerwork to reduce solar radiation that can burn the young seedlings. (During the winter is not very important)• Thin seedlings (thinning) to remain on the space available. So plants remain at a distance of 2.5 cm - 4. This will reduce disability and wilt diseases, will also help get better and stronger seedlings.• Continue watering until plants reach the proper stature transfer to the field.• Limit the amount of irrigation water, a few days before the transfer seedlings field, ie 7-10 days.Principles and Methods for transferring seedlings from garden to garden (TransplantingRules)• Water the seedlings a few hours before the transfer seedlings thinned the field to when be to gathers well seedling roots and soil.• Before transferring seedlings, be concluded repaired holes in the worth of space in the field.• Seedlings trans in the evening to avoid the potential dangers of the sun.• In general almost all crops of vegetables is already being transferred to the field and perfect grass between 2-6 years with well developed roots.• Fear must be healthy, whether straight well, so all seedlings afected or excessively thin would not be confiscated during the sending field.• Pull the seedlings carefully especially with its soil using materials relevant to the roots harm.• Seedlings be transferred early field after the ouster from garden.• When transferring seedlings, great care should be used in order to not damage plants / roots.READ; Yes Profound Revolution These sachets To Succeed On Agriculture.Preparation Tomato Farm• Field of tomatoes should be set 1-2 before planting new seedlings.• Once burned grass cultivation on soil or remove all weeds that can store tomato pests and diseases.• One or two days before the transfer tomato fields, irrigate part organized for the transfer tomatoes.• The space between the prism to prism is approximately a centimeter (50-60) x (50-75) depending on the type or weather. If it is cold period it is advisable to allow tomato various planting rounding air and prevent fungal diseases.How to plant seedlings:• Move the seedlings from the garden with his clay• Spread roots well in the hole without folding.• Refill seedling root depth what what was putting sand  garden.• Irrigate enough water according to the prevailing soil moisture then put mulch and shade to reduce the damage caused by sunlight.Important things to consider after transferring seedlings Field• Check the field from time to time to know the progress or problems from the field early• Make sure the field is clean at all times, weeding the field and make sure all weeds exactly what category of tomatoes diging down.• Remove plants attacked by diseases or remove part affected, then fill down or burn fire.• Reduce the branches and shoots to raise enough light on tomatoes as well as allowing adequate circulation of wind and cause the vulnerability of enemies on tomato pest, especially those who love dark and damp likes diseases.Thank you very much:For today we will end up here, in the following article we will focus analyzing some pests for tomatoes, we will look at the markets of tomatoes with different production technologies as well as processing.

Image result for kilimo cha nyanya

• Nyanya ni zao la mboga ambalo hulimwa sehemu nyingi duniani kwa ajili ya matumizi ya nyumbani na pia kama zao la biashara. Inahisiwa kuwa asili ya nyanya ni nchi ya Peru/Equador huko Amerika ya Kusini. Mmea huu ulianza kuzalishwa kama zao katika nchi ya Mexico na baadaye kusambaa katika nchi nyingine za ulimwengu.
SOMA; Fursa katika Kilimo cha Bustani
Uzalishaji wa nyanya duniani na hapa Tanzania
Nchi zinazolima nyanya kwa wingi duniani ni pamoja na USA, Italia na Mexico. Kwa upande wa Africa nchi zinazo lima ni kama; Malawi, Zambia na Botswana.
Zao hili hulimwa pia katika nchi za Africa Mashariki, ikiwemo Kenya, uganda na Tanzania.
Zao la nyanya linalimwa karibu maeneo yote ya Tanzania. Uzalishaji wa nyanya ni mkubwa kuliko mazao mengine ya mbogamboga yanayolimwa hapa Tanzania, uzalishaji wa nyanya kwa mwaka ni jumla ya tani 129,578 ikiwakilisha asalimia 51 ya mazao yote ya mboga. Kwa mujibu wa Wizara ya kilimo ya Tanzania maeneo yanalolima sana nyanya ni pamoja na Mkoa wa Kilimanjaro (Hai, Moshi na Rombo), Arusha (Arumeru), Morogoro (Mgeta), Tanga (Lushoto), Mbeya (Mbeya vijijini) na Singida. Morogoro ndiyo inayoongoza kwa kilimo hichi ikiwa na wazalishaji wenye zaidi ya hekta 6,159 (ekari 15,398). Pamoja na kwamba eneo la uzalishaji linaongezeka kwenye maeneo mengi lakini uzalishaji wa nyanya bado ni mdogo sana.
Uzalishaji mdogo unasababishwa na kupungua kwa rutuba ya ardhi, upepo, joto, ukame. Sababu nyingine ni pamoja na ukosefu wa aina za nyanya zenye mavuno mengi amabazo zinahimili mazingira ya kwetu, wadudu, magonjwa na magugu.
• Hali ya Hewa:
Nyanya hustawi vizuri zaidi kwenye mazingira ya joto la wastani kuanzia nyuzi joto 18-27 sentigreti. Mvua nyingi husababisha mlipuko wa magonjwa ya ukungu kama vile Baka jani chelewa n.k.)
• Udongo:
Nyanya hustawi kwenye aina zote za udongo kuanzia udongo wa kichanga, mweupe wa tifutifu hadi udongo wa mfinyanzi, ili mradi uwe na mboji ya kutosha na usiosimamisha/tuamisha maji. Pia uwe na uchachu wa wastani yaani pH 6.0 - 7.0.
Aina za Nyanya
Kutokana na tabia ya ukuaji, nyanya zinagawanyika katika makundi mawili:
1. Aina ndefu ( intermediate) kwa mfano ANNA F1, Tebgeru 97. Aina hizi hufanya vizuri zaidi zinapopandwa ndani ya greenhouse. Uvunaji wake ni wa muda mrefu, zipo ambazo zinavunwa hata zaidi ya miezi 6, yaani hiyo miezi 6 ni ya uvunaji.
2. Aina fupi (determinate) kwa mfano Tanya, Cal J, Mwanga, Onyx, Roma VF (nyanya mshumaa)
Kotokana na uchavushaji, nyanya zinagawanyika makundi mawaili:
1. OPV (Open Pollinated Variety) - Aina za kawaida
2. Hybrid – Chotara: Hizi ni aina zenye mavuno mengi, kati ya hizo zipo aina fupi na ndefu.
Katika karne hii ya 21, nyanya zinazopendelewa kulimwa zaidi na wakulima, ni zile zinazoweza kuvumilia magonjwa, zinazo zaa sana, na zenye ganda gumu ili kufanikisha usafirishaji, na kuhifadhika kwa siku nyingi bila kuharibika mapema.
SOMA; Mambo Matano Ya Muhimu Kuyafahamu Kabla Ya Kuwekeza Kwenye Kilimo - 2
Kuandaa Kitalu cha Nyanya
Mambo muhimu ya kuzingatia:
• Kitalu kiwe karibu na maji ya kutosha na ya kudumu
• Kiwe sehemu iliyowazi na yenye udongo ulio na rutuba ya kutosha
• Eneo la kitalu kama ni kubwa liwe tambarare au na mwiinuko kidogo ili kuepuka maji yasituame kwenye kitalu, mtelemko ukiwa mkali sana nao sio mzuri kwani husababisha mmomonyoko wa udongo.
• Kitalu kiwe sehemu ambayo haikuwa na zao la nyanya au viazi mviringo (au mazao ya jamii ya nyanya k.m. mnavu, biringanya n.k.)
• Kiwe sehemu ambayo ni rahisi kupata huduma zote muhimu kwa urahisi, ikiwa ni pamoja na uhamishaji wa miche kwenda sehemu nyingine. Pia kurahisisha usambazaji wa miche kwenda sehemu nyingine.
Kuandaa Matuta ya Kusia Mbegu za Nyanya
Aina ya matuta:
– matuta ya makingo (sunken seed bed)
– matuta ya kunyanyulia udongo (raised seed bed)
– matuta ya kawaida (flat seed beds)
Mambo Muhimu ya Kuzingatia wakati wa Kuandaa Matuta
• Tuta liwe na upana kati ya sentimita 90-120, na urefu wowote, [ili mradi muhudumu anaweza kutoa huduma nyingine zote kitaluni bila kukanyaga miche].
• Kwatua/lima kina kirefu cha kutosha kiasi cha sentimita 15-20 ili mizizi iweze kusambaa vizuri ardhini.
• Choma takataka juu ya kitalu, au funika tuta kwa nailoni, majuma 4-8 ili kuua vimelea vya magonjwa na wadudu.
• Wakati wa kuandaa, kitalu, ongeza mbolea aina ya samadi/vunde au mboji kwenye udongo kisha kwatua ili ichanganyike vizuri na udongo.
• Changanya kiasi cha debe 1 hadi 2 kila baada ya mita moja (hatua moja) mraba.
• Tuta lisiwe na mabonde mabonde au mawe mawe ambayo yanaweza kuzuia usambaaji mzuri wa mbegu kwenye tuta, lisawazishwe vizuri ili kuhakikisha usambazaji mzuri wa mbegu na kuepuka mbegu kufukiwa chini mno kiasi ambacho hazitaota.
Faida na Hasara za Matuta yaliyotajwa hapo juu
1. Matuta ya kunyanyulia udongo (raised seed beds);
– matuta ya namna hii huruhusu maji, hewa na mizizi kupenya kwenye udongo kwa urahisi zaidi.
– Mazao ya mizizi hupata nafasi ya kutosha kutanuka haraka zaidi
– Matuta haya hayatuamishi maji kama mengine, hivyo hutumika zaidi kwenye maeneo yanayokuwa na mvua mara kwa mara.
o Matuta ya namna hii yana sababisha sana mmomonyoko wa udongo kama hayakutengenezwa vizuri.
2. Matuta ya makingo (sunken seed beds):
· matuta haya ni rahisi kutengeneza
· hutumika wakati wa kiangazi ili kuhifadhi maji na unyevu
· nyevu mdogo unaopatikana ardhini
· ni rahisi kumwagilia kwa kutumia maji ya mfereji au bomba
· huhifadhi unyevu nyevu kwenye ardhi kwa muda mrefu
· huzuia mmomonyoka wa ardhi
· Matuta ya aina hii hayawezi kutumika kwenye maeneo yenye
· mvua nyingi.
3. Matuta ya kawaida (flat seed beds):
· ni rahisi sana kutengeneza kwani udongo ukisha kwatuliwa
· na kusambazwa mbegu huoteshwa
· ni rahisi kutumia eneo kubwa kuotesha mbegu
Matuta ya aina hii hayawezi kutumika kwenye maeneo yenye mvua nyingi.
Kusia Mbegu
• Hakikisha ubora na uotaji wa mbegu kabla ya kuzipanda kitaluni (germination test)
• Weka mistari kwenye tuta kulingana na ukubwa wa tuta, lakini mistari isiwe chini au zaidi ya sentimita 15-20 toka mstari hadi mstari
• Kina cha mistari kisiwe cha kutisha bali kiwe kati ya sentimita 1-2
• Matuta yapate maji ya kutosha siku moja kabla ya kusia mbegu. Ni vizuri kutumia chombo cha kumwagilia (watering can).
• Mbegu ziatikwe kwenye mistari na zisambazwe vizuri ili kufanikisha usambaaji mzuri wa mbegu kwenye tuta. Changanya mchanga laini na mbegu kisha sambaza kwenye mistari iliyoandaliwa kwenye tuta.
Mbegu zinaweza pia kuatikwa kwenye tuta bila mistari, lakini zisambazwe kwa uwiano mzuri kwenye tuta ili kupunguza msongamano. Msongamano husabisha magonjwa ya fangasi kama vile kinyausi (damping off) au ukungu (blight).
• Weka matandazo kiasi cha kutosha ambacho hakitazuia kuota kwa mbegu.
• Mara baada ya kuatika mbegu, mwagilia maji kiasi cha kutosha kulingana na unyevu nyevu ulioko ardhini
Mambo ya Kuzingatia baada ya kusia mbegu pamoja na Matunzo Kitaluni
• Mwagilia maji kwenye kitalu baada ya kuotesha kulingana na unyevu nyevu uliopo kwenye udongo.
• Miche yote ikisha ota, ondoa matandazo, kisha weka chanja ili kupunguza mionzi ya jua ambayo inaweza kuunguza miche michanga. (kipindi cha baridi si muhimu sana)
• Punguzia miche (thinning) ili ibakie kwenye nafasi ya kutosha. Hivyo miche ibakie kwenye umbali wa sentimita 2.5 - 4. Hii itapunguza magonjwa ya ulemavu na mnyauko, pia itasaidia kupata miche bora na yenye nguvu.
• Endelea kumwagilia hadi miche ifikie kimo kinachofaa kuhamishia shambani.
• Punguza kiwango cha umwagiliaji maji, siku chache kabla ya kuhamishia miche shambani, yaani siku 7-10.
Kanuni na Mbinu za kuhamisha miche toka Kitaluni kwenda shambani (Transplanting
• Mwagilia miche masaa machache kabla ya kuhamishia miche shambani ili wakati wa kung’oa miche mizizi ishikamane vizuri na udongo.
• Kabla ya kuhamisha miche, mashimo yawe yamekwisha andaliwa katika nafasi zinazo stahili huko shambani.
• Miche ihamishwe wakati wa jioni ili kuepuka madhara yanayoweza kusababishwa na jua.
• Kwa ujumla karibu mazao yote ya mboga mboga huwa tayari kuhamishiwa shambani yakiwa na majani kamili kati ya 2-6 pamoja na mizizi mingi iliyostawi vizuri.
• Mche lazima uwe na afya nzuri, uwe umenyooka vizuri, hivyo miche yote iliyonyongea au myembamba kupita kiasi isichukuliwe wakati wa kupeleka shambani.
• Ng’oa miche kwa uangalifu hasa pamoja na udongo wake kwa kutumia vifaa husika ili mizizi isidhurike.
• Miche ihamishiwe shambani mapema mara baada ya kung’olewa toka kitaluni.
• Wakati wa kuhamisha miche, uangalifu mkubwa utumike ili kutoharibu miche/mizizi.
SOMA; Haya Ndio Mapinduzi Makubwa Tunayohitaji Ili Kufanikiwa Kwenye Kilimo.
Maandalizi ya Shamba la Nyanya
• Shamba la nyanya liandaliwe mwezi 1-2 kabla ya kupanda miche.
• Mara baada ya kulima choma nyasi juu ya udongo au ondoa magugu yote yanayoweza kuhifadhi wadudu na magonjwa ya nyanya.
• Siku moja au mbili kabla ya kuhamishia nyanya shambani, mwagilia sehemu iliyoandaliwa kwa ajili ya kuhamishia nyanya.
• Nafasi kati ya mche hadi mche ni wastani wa sentimita (50-60) x (50-75) kutegemeana na aina au hali ya hewa. Kama ni kipindi cha baridi ni vyema nyanya zikapandwa mbalimbali ili kuruhusu mzungungo wa hewa na kuzuia magonjwa ya fangasi.
Jinsi ya kupanda miche:
• Hamisha miche toka kitaluni pamoja na udongo wake
• Sambaza mizizi vizuri kwenye shimo bila kukunja.
• Fukia miche kina kile kile ambacho shina lilikuwa limefukiwa bustanini.
• Mwagilia maji ya kutosha kulingana na unyevunyevu uliopo kwenye udongo kasha weka matandazo na kivuli ili kupunguza uharibifu unaosababishwa na mionzi ya jua.
Mambo muhimu ya kuzingatia baada ya kuhamishia Miche Shambani
• Kagua shamba mara kwa mara ili kujua maendeleo au matatizo yaliyoko shambani mapema
• Hakikisha shamba ni safi wakati wote, palilia shamba na hakikisha magugu yote hasa yale ya jamii ya nyanya yamelimiwa chini.
• Ondoa mimea iliyoshambuliwa na magonjwa au ondoa sehemu zilizoshambuliwa, kisha zifukiwe chini au kuunguza moto.
• Punguza matawi na vikonyo ili kuongeza mwanga wa kutosha kwenye nyanya pamoja na kuruhusu mzunguko wa kutosha wa upepo na kusababisha mazingira magumu ya wadudu maadui kwenye nyanya, hasa wale wanaopenda kiza na magonjwa yanayopendelea unyevunyevu.

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